We had one in our garage!  A mountain of insulation that is...weird things like this happen in a home when you are constantly renovating, fixing up, and remodeling.
One of the million reasons Brady is an amazing husband is because he is such a hard worker...sometimes too hard even.  Being a workaholic comes honest to him though, it runs in the family.  Let's look at some more examples of Brady working.
Here he is cleaning off the combine after a long day of cutting beans.
And he is here scraping off wallpaper.
And next we will see him cutting down a tree...this is hardly work to him though because he gets to use a chain saw and all men love to use things that are loud, powerful, and dangerous.
And here we see Brady painting...
Next we see happy Brady and sad Gus...BATHTIME!
This next picture shows Brady working really hard...lifting up all 88 pounds of his little sister Molly, while standing on a ladder, so she can put the star on top of the Christmas tree.  Clearly Vonda approves, even though she can't see the tree with her eyes closed, haha!  And yes...Brady is wearing fleece pajama pants with dogs on them...sexy.
As you can see a common theme in our marriage is Brady likes to work, and I like to take pictures of him while he is working.  One of the many reasons we are a match made in heaven =)
