2012 was a wonderful year where Brady and I really got settled into our marriage and learned what it means to "do life" together.  Some of the 2012 highlights include...

-an awesome trip to Arizona for our 1 year anniversary
-getting a young marrieds small group off the ground
-spending many fun weekends at the lake
-2 weekends in Batesville visiting Ertel Cellars
-feeling much less green and much more confident in my job as a crop insurance agent
-getting some new blood into the Tipton County Young Farmers Group
-becoming members of Rock Prairie
-even with the horrible drought, the farm had one of its most successful years ever
-a fun trip to the Smoky Mountains with some great friends
-watching JR and Dustin get baptized
-remodeling our guest bathroom
-being a guest at the Great Banquet
-joining 'The Best Book Club Ever'

2012 wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though, and this is something that I struggle with when it comes to social media.  Whether it is Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or on Blogs...it just seems like everyone has this perfect life, when in fact that just isn't true.  I am guility of painting the perfect picture on the internet also, because who wants to share the bad stuff?  That is also my number one reason for not blogging as much as I would like to...I don't want my blog to be a "brag rag", but I also don't want it to be "Debbie Downer Down on the Farm".  It is tough finding a good balance.  Some of the harder parts of 2012 have been...staying strong in my faith no matter what the circumstance, shining the love of Christ towards the boys even when I just want to give up on them, some days of our marriage definitely aren't ideal, and our dogs are constantly destroying things.

I made some resolutions in 2012 that I blogged about here.  Overall, I did a really good job keeping them.  Brady and I did read the Bible in a year, we followed a Chronological reading plan and it worked really well for us.  We would read together in bed every evening, sometimes out loud, sometimes to ourselves, or sometimes we would listen it together.  I did mail at least two cards a month...I love getting mail, therefore I like to share the love!  (and I got some really cute Vera Bradley greeting cards that just begged me to mail them).  I did not blog twice a week...so many excuses, but they are all excuses...and excuses are like buttholes...we all have  them and they all stink.  I also did not research one topic a month, I feel like I was constantly learning in 2012, but it wasn't in an organized fashion.

I do have one main goal for 2013...get more organized in our personal finances!  Ever since we have been married, Brady and I have tried lived on one income.  Right now we are DINKS (double income no kids) but it is not going to stay that way forever.  In the future when I am a stay at home mama we will have 3+ people and half the money.  We have always tried to live well below our two incomes in preparation for that day.  We did an okay job at this in 2012...there were definitely times when we were poor planners and we had to dip into our second income.  We also majorly flopped when it came to our budget.  We spent hours setting up our budget, but then we just  tracked our spending and never became disciplined about it.  Things are going to be different in 2013...I have revamped the budget and we are going to stick to it!  We operate on a "zero" budget, meaning that all the money that comes in, has a designated place to go.  The first thing that happens with our paychecks is tithe, 401k, and taxes...and after that we use the money for our monthly expenses, having allocated amounts designated for things such as; mortgage, groceries, pet supplies, clothes, entertainment, etc.  I used to have our budget on an excel spreadsheet..today I converted it onto my Google Drive so that Brady and I can both access it from any computer. 

1 goal this year...that's it.  Pray for us =)


Its already the middle of April and it feels like 2012 is trucking along a million miles an hour!  I thought it would be a good time to check on how I am doing with my New Year's Resolutions.  I posted my resolutions on the blog as my first post of the year, so I could be accountable to my readers...all two of you =)  You can read that post by clicking here.

Here is what I resolved to do in 2012...let's see how I am doing...

2012 Resolutions
1.  Read the Bible in a year...Brady and I are doing this together and it is going very well.  We haven't slacked and we are right on track.  We are reading the Bible in chronological order following this plan.  So far we have read all of Genesis, Job, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, most of 1 Samuel, and some of the Psalms.  We read every night in bed together, many nights reading out loud to each other.  It is such an intimate and special time where we grow closer to each other and the Lord.
2.  Mail two cards a month...I also have done good (that is not proper English) on this resolution.  This is a pretty easy one for me to keep because I love getting and sending cards.  It also helps that I recently bought 2 packages of super cute Vera Bradley greeting cards at the outlet sale!
3.  Blog twice a week...I am not doing as well on this one.  Sometimes I feel like I don't have time to blog, and sometimes I feel like I just don't have anything to say.  Hard to believe I know...I will try to do better =)
4.  Research one topic a month...Also not doing amazing on this one...I have researched three out of four months but not in a very organized fashion.  I have learned about marriage, vitamins, and natural childbirth (my dad is laughing reading this...he thinks I am a freak...HI DAD!)  I have learned a lot of useful information about these three topics and definitely want to continue to learn about marriage and natural childbirth.  Learning about vitamins wasn't as exciting and I am done with that.

How is everyone else doing on their 2012 resolutions?  I would love to hear!


2011 was honestly the best year of my life.  I got engaged and married the the most wonderful man I have ever met, we waited till our wedding night to make love (best thing I have ever done), we went on a honeymoon to Hawaii, we bought a house, and we remodeled that house.  Yeah...you could say it was a pretty big year.  So now I am sitting here thinking, how are we ever going to top that?!  Well we are going to work hard in growing our love for one another and in Christ every day.  Our wedding day wasn't the end of the road for us, it was just the beginning and we have so much to learn, so many places to go, things to see, and so much growing to do in many areas of our lives.

For those of you who know me well...you know that I am a planning/list/post it note Nazi.  So I made a list of resolutions in the beginning of December.  I heard from a friend that "Writing down one's goals and dreams makes them a priority.  Sharing them with others makes them possible."  So this is my way of sharing my resolutions, I hope everyone who reads this will keep me accountable.

2012 Resolutions
1.  Read the Bible in a year.  Brady and I are doing this together.  We are following a chronological reading plan that goes through the Bible in the order that the events happened.  We are both using the New Living Translation. 
2.  Mail two cards a month.  Getting mail that isn't junk or bills has always been very exciting to me, so I want to share the love.  Thank you cards, birthday cards, and Christmas cards don't count.
3.  Blog twice a week.  Get excited to read =)
4.  Research one topic a month.  Every month I am going to pick a subject that interests me and devote the entire month to learning more about it.  I will read at least one book, and also try to use blogs, podcasts, and articles.  At the end of every month I will write a blog post about what I learned. 

Some topics I am planning on researching are vitamins, natural childbirth, and coupon clipping.  This month I am going to be focusing on how to have a Christ-centered marriage and how to be a Godly wife.  I have started reading Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, I will be reading the God Centered Marriage blog,  and I also downloaded a few podcasts today.

I can't wait for 2012 to unfold and I am so anxious to experience all that is ahead.
