Its already the middle of April and it feels like 2012 is trucking along a million miles an hour!  I thought it would be a good time to check on how I am doing with my New Year's Resolutions.  I posted my resolutions on the blog as my first post of the year, so I could be accountable to my readers...all two of you =)  You can read that post by clicking here.

Here is what I resolved to do in 2012...let's see how I am doing...

2012 Resolutions
1.  Read the Bible in a year...Brady and I are doing this together and it is going very well.  We haven't slacked and we are right on track.  We are reading the Bible in chronological order following this plan.  So far we have read all of Genesis, Job, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, most of 1 Samuel, and some of the Psalms.  We read every night in bed together, many nights reading out loud to each other.  It is such an intimate and special time where we grow closer to each other and the Lord.
2.  Mail two cards a month...I also have done good (that is not proper English) on this resolution.  This is a pretty easy one for me to keep because I love getting and sending cards.  It also helps that I recently bought 2 packages of super cute Vera Bradley greeting cards at the outlet sale!
3.  Blog twice a week...I am not doing as well on this one.  Sometimes I feel like I don't have time to blog, and sometimes I feel like I just don't have anything to say.  Hard to believe I know...I will try to do better =)
4.  Research one topic a month...Also not doing amazing on this one...I have researched three out of four months but not in a very organized fashion.  I have learned about marriage, vitamins, and natural childbirth (my dad is laughing reading this...he thinks I am a freak...HI DAD!)  I have learned a lot of useful information about these three topics and definitely want to continue to learn about marriage and natural childbirth.  Learning about vitamins wasn't as exciting and I am done with that.

How is everyone else doing on their 2012 resolutions?  I would love to hear!


Momma V.
4/17/2012 06:26:06 am

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to be more like my daughter-in-law! :o) I do so love your zest for life, dedication to the Lord, and commitment to your husband! (... Oh! And I admire your organization too!) Love ya lots!


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