Today I went to the library and it completely made my day.  I had a busy day with work and errands and the library was the bright spot of my entire day.  I have lived in Sharpsville since July but I have never been to the library...until today.  While running my errands I found myself in Tipton at the bank, which is only a block from the library. I could just hear that place calling my name.  Sidenote - yes it is the Tipton County Library... you know you live in a rural area when the towns don't have their own libraries and it is the county that has one library.

So I left the bank and made the short trek to the glorious house of books.  Right when I walked in I felt all stress just melt off my body and my to-do list just floated away.  I got lost in the card catalog and thought of all the books I want to read and haven't yet.  I only checked one out for now, but you know what was even better than checking that book out?  It was the fact that I was holding a brand new, shiny library card in my hand and the possibilities are endless!  Okay...maybe that was a little dramatic, but seriously...libraries are awesome and I am planning on putting a lot of miles on this new library card of mine.  Hopefully this means our Amazon line-item on our budget won't need to be used so much anymore =)

You know what else is AWESOME about libraries...the way they smell!  Read more about this on one of my favorite blogs - 1000 Awesome Things by clicking here.

Now I am off to cook dinner for my hubby, then clean, then read!

Until next time,


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