No we aren't having a baby...but I do love freaking everyone out with titles like that!  Maybe some rumors will get started?  I am referring to my monthly research topics.  January was marriage and February is babies...Godly marriage and natural childbirth to be exact.  I have learned a lot about marriage and I am exited to learn about birth next! 

I learned a ton about marriage in January and I don't even know how to put it into words (this explains why I haven't wrote a blog about it yet).  But a couple things I learned are below.  I used books, blogs, podcasts, and my life experience as a wife as my resources =)

-The best kind of marriage is one where the husband and wife are best friends with eachother
-A husband's role in marriage is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and a wife's main role is to respect her husband Ephesians 5:33
-Our spouse is to be our second priority after Jesus and our relationship with him, then kids come third, and career and everything else comes after that
-The bedroom is a sanctuary for the married couple...this means no television, no work, and no stress
-Make time for eachother to go on dates, talk, make love, and jsut enjoy eachother's company away from the craziness of everyday life

I have so many things to say that I can't even organize my thoughts...all in all marriage is awesome, it is hard work, and it is the most rewarding and special relationship with another human being on this Earth. 

Well I am rambling...but get excited to hear a ton about babies this month!  I have already read one book so a review of that will be coming up real soon!

Until then,


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