I have horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE allergies.  The kind where I can't sleep, can't breathe, and can't see because my eyes get so goopy.  I pretty much eat Zyrtecs like they are candy and they usually don't even help me at all!  I was having an especially bad allergy day on Friday when I wandered into CVS and bought one of these bad boys...
That little teapot thing is called a Neti Pot, and it is basically a granola hippie way to clean out your head of all those mean allergens without taking any drugs.  You fill it with salt water, stick the blue penis part up your nose, then pour in the water...which travels up one nostril and swishes around all the deep recesses of your head and then comes out the other nostril.  It is really gross and really awesome all at the same time!   

Brady was the first one to try it and he didn't love it so much...maybe he felt weird sticking the mini weiner part up his nose?  I tried next and it worked great on me!  Brady even took this video with my handy dandy iPhone...enjoy! 
Please don't make fun of us because this is what we did on a Friday night! 


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