Sounds kind of backwards doesn't it?  We have always been taught to put 100% into everything we do, and not to even bother doing something if you aren't going to give it your all.  Well, I am going to disagree with that.  I say, "If it's worth doing, then it's worth doing poorly."  I didn't make this saying up, but heard it from Rob Rienow when he was speaking to men about leading their wives.

You see, many people don't even attempt to do things, for fear of failure.  Many men are scared to open the Bible in their homes because they don't have a degree in theology and are scared they might misprounounce Mahershalalhashbaz...yes that really is someone's name, see Isaiah 8:3.  Men - you don't have to be a Bible scholar to lead your wives!  If you can talk out loud, and you can read...then you can lead your wife!  Just open your Bible to Proverbs or Psalms and read, then shut it.  It is that easy, no hour long sermon is necessary. 

Reading your Bible together along with prayer are the main ingredients to make any marriage flourish.  If praying out loud with your spouse isn't something you have done regularly, then it can be awkward.  Just remember, you are talking to your heavenly Father, He already knows you better than you know yourself, so there is no need for an expanded vocabulary or poetic speech.  Just thank Him for all He has blessed you with, and tell Him what is on your heart.  He already knows, so it really shouldn't be that scary. 

Wives - if a husband hasn't been the leader that your heart desires, then pray, pray, and pray some more.  And when he does step up and lead, don't tell him how he is doing it wrong or make fun of his bumbling speech during a prayer.  Just be thankful that your hubby has taken that step of faith, tell him you are thankful, encourage him, and keep praying for him. 

If it is 11:30 at night and you and your spouse have finally just crawled into bed, exhausted after a long day.  Grab your iPhone, pop open your Bible app and read a few verses (or if you are extra tired, you could have the Bible app read to is a wonderful thing!).  Then hold hands and thank the Lord for the day you had and the fact that you have a loving spouse by your side.  Next, roll over and have sweet dreams!  See it wasn't that hard and didn't take that long! 

Of course I think the Lord does deserve the best of us, but I also think that reading a few verses and saying a two minute prayer is a lot better than nothing. 

Thanks for reading and I pray this post encouraged you!


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