I was very annoyed on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) by the number of Facebook statuses saying that people are...giving up junk food, or going to start working out twice a day, or giving up Big Macs, or pop, or whatever it is.  Lent is a time for us as Christians to ponder on the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus!  It is a wonderful time of the year but it seems that Satan has worked his way into it and made it completely worldly and selfish. 

We need to observe Lent God's way...as Paul says in Romans “The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord” (Romans 14:6).  Any recognition of Lent must be done in a way that honors God and makes Him smile.  Do you really think it makes God smile when you get hammered and stuff your face with junk food on Fat Tuesday, but then Wednesday you nurse a hangover and vow to give up junk food and booze...I don't think so.  The only way that we can really honor our Lord during this Lenten season is with our heart-level repentance and real faith, not just external obedience to church tradition.

During these 40 days leading up to Easter, I urge you to think about what they really mean.  Also press into the Lord and remember that your body is a temple all 365 days of the year (1 Corinthians 6:19), not just during the 40 days of Lent.


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