We live in a world where we don't talk, we text.  We don't have lengthy conversations, we write 140 character 'tweets' that describe our day in a play by play fashion.  Social media has added a whole new dynamic to our everyday lives, and it hasn't been around that long, so we are still wading through all the changes it has caused in our personal relationships.  I am definitely not a social media hater at all, I am very active on Facebook for my personal and professional life, I write a blog (whenever I make time), I creep on Twitter, and I get inspiration on Pinterest.  But here is the thing about social media...IT IS NOT REAL LIFE!  It is a soapbox...you can make your life appear to be anything you like! 

Most people, myself included, paint a rosy picture on the internet.  We post pictures of smiling faces and flowers on date nights, but the keys stop clicking when our husband forgets our anniversary or comes home late one night and forgets to call.  I am not in any way saying that we should bash our husbands on the internet, but I am saying that when you aren't having the best day or your marriage is going through a rough spot....don't look to Facebook for comfort!  It will only make you feel worse because all your girlfriends are obviously married to Prince Charming, which obviously isn't true. 

Ex's are probably the biggest lurking danger of social media.  Before the social media world invaded our life, ex's could be safely tucked away into fading memories and it was easy to pretend that they had just fallen off the face of the earth.  Social media reminds us that our ex's are still in fact living people.  With the mutual friends that are obtained in a dating relationship, it is hard to completely avoid an ex on the internet, but there are steps that can be taken to ensure that this happens almost never. 

First and foremost...DON'T BE FRIENDS WITH AN EX ON FACEBOOK OR FOLLOW THEM ON TWITTER!  Just don't do it...even if you say nothing bad is going to come of it...nothing good is going to come of it either, so just don't play with fire and leave it alone.  Do not interact with an ex on Facebook, at all!  Don't look at their profile picture, don't message them, nothing.  Also, be completely transparent with your spouse when it comes to social media.  Share passwords and allow your spouse to log on to any of your accounts whenever they would like.  Some married couples even have a joint Facebook page, which can be very beneficial because this also keeps certain unwanted people from contacting you, because they know your spouse will see it. 

Although social  media can be fun and beneficial, it's not always the best thing for a marriage.  When we allow ourselves to get wrapped up in our online lives, even innocent
interactions can divert our time and attention.  It's essential that we guard against distractions so that our spouses never have to wonder which 'friend' is the most important. 


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