Earlier today I was blow drying my hair without a care in the world.  I did the "head flip" (you know where you turn upsidedown to get mega volume) and noticed a huge creepy crawly spider on the wall just staring at me with all 8 of his little beety eyes!  GROSS~!  I am not a bug fan...pretty funny that I live in the country huh?

Seriously though, I do everything I can to prevent bugs from ever entering our house.  This spring I sprayed toxic chemicals all around the our house...both outside and in...being extra careful to get all the nooks and crannies where any sneaky bug could try to get in!  I also checked all our screens for tiny holes...or big ones created by Gus...and took them to Compton's Hardware (love this store) in Tipton to get them all repaired.  I was not messing around!

Well sure enough...the bugs still find their way in.  Usually they hang around at night when its dark outside because they are drawn to the fabulous light that oozes out of our house.  Maybe the bugs like all of our new sexy light fixtures?  So in that case, I just call Brady to come over with his big man muscles to kill the intruder bug and flush him down the toliet.

But of course with planting season only days away Brady wasn't home today so it was me vs spidey and there was no one else on my team.  And guess what?!  I killed him!  Flushed him down the toliet and everything!

I still won't kill crunchy bugs though...like ladybugs or japanese beetles...that just grosses me out.  So usually when I see one of those and Brady isn't home I just point out the little critter to one of the dogs and they will happily munch them right up!  Free dog treats =)

Aren't you guys proud of me? 

I still have a long way to go...there is no way I will ever empty a mouse trap!  SICK!


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