In today's world of wall posts, tweets, blogging, and texing...snail mail has just about become a thing of the past.  It doesn't make it any better that most of the time when I get snail mail, it sucks!  It's usually 3/4 junk that I throw away and 1/4 bills that I wish I could throw away.  But back to the junk being married to a farmer, we get a TON of junk mail! 

In college getting mail used to be so fun.  I didn't get any bills or junk.  My Evans roomies were often jealous because I got tons of care packages, Starbucks cards, and home cooked goodies from aunts and uncles who loved me.  Being in the real world things aren't the same.  But sometimes when Gus, Dale, and I walk out to our lovely hand painted mailbox (thanks Nana)...I GET LUCKY!  The best mail days are the ones when I see a box of books from Amazon peering up at me, a Pinterest inspired wedding invitation, or the jackpot of snail mail...A THANK YOU CARD!

This past week Brady and I recieved three thank you cards in the mail, and let me tell you, that little gesture can completely turn a super stressful day around.  The first one was a thank you card for a wedding present.  It was a handwritten card, and the best was written by the groom.  The next card we got wasn't handwritten, but it was still very thoughtful.  We received this from a couple who went on a mission trip that we financially supported.  The letter talked about all sorts of things they did on their trip, and it showed pictures of them sharing Christ's love with all kinds of people.  The card I got today though, easily topped the other two.  Why?  Because it had 25 holla dollas in it...wish I was kidding, but I totally am not.  I recently judged the "Cute Baby Contest" at the Tipton County Fair with my friend Jessie, it was super fun and I didn't expect anything in return...a card maybe, but the $25 was a very welcome surprise. 

Thank you cards rock!  Thanks for the thanks =)


8/15/2012 01:52:02 am

Nice post. I read total Post. It’s really nice. Thank you for sharing.........


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