I did something crazy last week...I paid $53 so I can run 13.1 miles!  Say what?!  I am going to be participating in the Indianapolis Women's Half Marathon on August 31!  I have only participated in one other race ever, and it was a 5k that our church put on last year, so yeah...this is quite the jump!  Right about now you are probably saying...why the heck are you doing this?!


I am a planner, I love to work out, and I love being tan!  I really don't have ample time to lay out (I wish), but I always make time to exercise.  Running outside is like hitting two birds with one stone...I am burning off calories from all the ice cream, burgers, and other delicious summer treats that I am constantly eating, and if I wear shorts and a sports bra while running I am working on my tan!  Even though the racerback and sock tan lines aren't the sexiest things ever, it's still better than nothing!  Also, I don't just like to work out aimlessly...I like to follow a plan...and pretty much every running plan ends in a road race...so I figured, "what the heck?!"  I can comfortably run 5 miles now, and I really haven't tried more than that, but I feel like that is a good training base to start with.

I am going to use these next 10 and a half weeks to control my body and my fitness, so that I can run farther than I have ever ran before!  I do not have any specific goal time that I want to finish in...I just want to finish! 

I will be putting the rubber to the road using the Hal Higdon Novice Training Program, with a few minor personal tweaks.  Please pray for me as I embark on this training journey.  Specifically pray that I will not be set back by any injuries - Ain't nobody got time for that!

Thanks for reading!


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