So we didn't go to prom...we went to after-prom, so that's not as creepy right?  Brady's cousin, Cole, is a junior at Tri-Central High School and it's the juniors every year who plan prom.  The juniors also plan the after-prom with help from their parents.  This is an alternative thing to do after the dance that provides a safe environment that is drug, alcohol, and sex free...unlike many other after-prom parties. 

Brady's Uncle Mike and Aunt Jenny are Cole's parents and they were very involved in planning the after-prom.  Aunt Jenny is always helping us out with projects on our house, watching our dogs, and saving coupons for me.  So when she told Brady that they might be short on parent help and could use a couple extra volunteers, he said yes right away.  I was kind of a baby about it because I was pissed that Brady would volunteer me for something without even asking me, especially when the thing he volunteered me for was on a Saturday night from 11:30 pm - 3:30 am.  But after much complaining I went along with him and it ended up being a super fun date night!

Brady and I helped out at the "Casino" where the kids could play blackjack or poker.  There were also areas where the kids could dance, do laser tag, go in a "cash cube", go inside giant hamster balls, there was a cartoonist, and a photo booth, and tons of food and drinks, and many other fun things that I am sure I am forgetting.  

I was really surprised by how many kids actually attended the after-prom.  When I was in high school hardly anyone went to the after-prom.  Everyone seemed to go to the person's house where the parents were out of town and the big brother bought beer.  I am sure kids here do that stuff also, but a lot of them really don't and it's cool to see that side of high school that I was never a part of.  It just makes me I feel like I have moved to Pleasantville or have gone back in time to the 50's because I live in such a morally upright Christian community. 

I know I make fun of Sharpsville a lot and I always tease Brady for being so sheltered because he grew up here.  But I really do love this little corner of the world, and I can't wait to raise our kids here.  This really is home and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.
After being up till 3:30 in the morning, my prom date and I need a nap!
Thanks for reading!


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