I recently finished reading "Your Best Birth" by Ricki Lake (yes the talk show host) and Abby Epstein.  They wrote this book after the release of their movie "The Business of Being Born" was released.  The movie was such a success and women were wanting to know even more.  If you haven't already seen this movie, I highly reccomend that you do.  I will do a review on it in the future. 

"Your Best Birth" is written using a very conversational tone and language.  Ricki and Abby provide real perspective of their personal experienes.  There are also birth stories from other famililar names such as Melissa Joan Hart and Cindy Crawford.  They explain, without too much medical terminology  and jargon, what a woman can expect during the birthing process.  The book is all about knowing your options and decoding the  language of the hospital.

I also really enjoyed that this book didn't read like a textbook, but it wasn't elementary either.  I have loved learning about natural childbirth so far and I am happy that I read this book first.  It goes into detail, but not too much and it is a great overview.  Also from what I have heard, and am already starting to notice...many natural childbirth books make you feel like a horrible woman and bad mother if you have an epidural or even worse a c-section.  But this book wasn't like that...it was very matter of fact and it layed out the pros and cons of many medical interventions.

I really loved this book and would say it is a must read for all expecting mothers or young ladies planning on having babies some day =)

As you can tell from all these "Book Review" posts...I have been quite the book worm lately.  That's what our snuggly bed and heated blanket are great for in the winter time.

Hope you enjoyed reading!

As always...click on the picture of the book to purchase it from Amazon.


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